: Is this new in iOS 17 or have I been missing out on this for a year?

: visionOS — lowercase v.

: Amazing! Best WWDC23 joke so far!


: I will be very unproductive today as I am every #WWDC Good luck to all my colleagues who have worked …

: Rishi Sunak is there greatest Socialist Prime Minister of my lifetime.

: Dave Allen Peter Falk Barry Humphries I shared a love of these people with my Gran, born in the …

: Since I started at Apple, the quality and frequency of my half abandoned app ideas has definitely …

: If I run for office, I’ll run in a platform of increasing You’ve Been Framed payments inline with …

: Just because you have Imposter Syndrome doesn’t mean you’re not an imposter.

: The biggest two lies the middle class spread, the world is a meritocracy and education defeats …

: It’s so weird that BBC Radio 4’s Today programme refuses to have Humanists or atheists on for …

: I call bullshit on this story! 🐮💩 If I had a billion pounds a Firefly reboot would be the first …

: I just thought of fun little app my kids would enjoy. And now I can’t think of anything else! I’ve …

: This petition has silently reached over 190,000 signatures in the UK. It’s straight out of the, …

: Write a sad story in four words.

: Write a sad story in four words.

: OMG tweets.icu is brilliant. Move your favourite Twitter followers to Mastodon. Moving my Sport and …

: It would be nice if owners of app stores would cover the cost of refunds for Twitter apps that are …

: “But McBean was quite wrong. I’m quite happy to say That the Sneetches got really quite …

: “Then, when every last cent Of their money was spent, The Fix-it-Up Chappie packed up And he …

: “All the rest of that day, on those wild screaming beaches, The Fix-it-Up Chappie kept fixing …

: “Then, with snoots in the air, they paraded about And they opened their beaks and they let out …

: “Belly checks are no longer in style…” 8/12

: “Then up came McBean with a very sly wink…” 7/12

: Then they yelled at the ones who had checks at the start, “We’re exactly like you! You …

: “Then, quickly, Sylvester McMonkey McBean Put together a very peculiar machine.” 5/12

: “Then ONE day, it seems… while the Plain-Belly Sneetches Were moping and doping alone …

: “When the Check-Belly Sneetches had frankfurter roasts Or picnics or parties or marshmallow …

: But, because they had checks, all the Check-Belly Sneetches Would brag, “Were the best kind of …

: A cautionary tail… The Sneetches (2023) by Dr. Seuss, adapted by Richard Stelling @rjstelling …

: Time for a change in BANES? Vote Labour… #realstats

: I think this is my favourite Apple product £ for £.

: Even more SHOCKING is the @BestForBritian November poll showing the Lib Dems and @Wera_Hobhouse …

: I’ve been digging into the @BestForBritain polls from November… #Labour and …

: My New Year’s resolution is to consume more books. My plan is to buy any book Jason Snell recommends …

: I think this one image is responsible for 90% of my moral outlook.

: Recommendations for Mastodon to Twitter x-posing services please!

: Guttenberg, 2023 For better or for worse, social media is the printing press of the modern age, and as such, it …

: One Hundred and Four Week low! I can’t believe the Woke-markets hate FREE SPEECH so much they are …

: My advise for those seeking healthcare under a Tory government… don’t get sick and avoid accidents.

: Twitter are censoring Tweets with Mastodon links as well as other social media platforms. But… you …

: At a recent training sessions for counsellors in Bath and NE Somerset on the new Voter ID laws, …

: What’s my best option for a Swift Git library? I need to interact with Git, GitHub and GitHub …

: My hypothesis is the Ellen is trying to position Twitter, as hyper influential, but previously …

: NaviLens Codes 🤔 Why are these better than QR codes? Anyone working in #A11y want to make a case for …


: Is there a word for impressed, excited, terrified and dismissive all at the same time?

: Time to remove the Bishops from the House of Lords. apple.news/AAWQKX-nu…

: I’m slowly moving to #Mastodon, but exploring other options too. Sign up for #Post here and help me …

: Are there any videos or blog posts about the #technology used by the coaches and managers in …

: No amount of Social Media bloviating will rearrange the #Qatar World Cup. But for the love of …

: Is anyone else trying to export their #Twitter archive and waiting over 72 hours? High demand or …

: Accessible Copywriting Web Developers - please push back on copywriting that uses “click here” links. See this Tweet - …

: Not a day goes by where I don’t think about this #UMAX #Mac clone running the POS in a French ski …

: #macOS has a shortcut that lists #Accessibility features based on personal requirements. Just answer …

: #macOS Developers, check your build scripts. You might be using -r when copying frameworks, this …

: Building a wobbley tower of interconnected Social Media instaces…

: 🖥 If you add the line “auth sufficient pam_tid.so” under the “pam_smartcard.so” entry in the file …

: Is text that has a gradient as a background more difficult to read than text on a flat colour? I’m …

: I’m going to solve my Twitter 👈🏼👉🏼 Mastodon issues the only way I know how, writing some code. …

: Joe Lycett, punching up and making a difference. 🥰 benderslikebeckham.com

: Apple Watch with Family Setup After about 6 weeks with my eldest using a Apple Watch SE 2 with family setup (and School Time), …

: Since my social media habits have been blown up in the last few weeks, I wanted to share this …

: I’ve finally taken my own advice, you can find me at rjstelling.micro.blog - cross posting to …